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Akiko and Bushi - the best of friends and formidable allies, each capable of surprising the enemy.
Meet Akiko, a girl who grew up isolated due to a rare genetic disease that left her without a natural immune system. Her father, determined to provide her with love and care, kept her in a quarantined room and, later, aboard a spaceship with a special room just for her. Due to challenges in maintaining contact with Earth, her father created Bushi, a pet robot equipped with AI, to be her friend, teacher, and her window to the world.
Eventually, her father appealed to Foresight for an experimental Axelar treatment under the care of 7th, Foresight's chief surgeon. Akiko's father and 7th integrated the Axelar processor into Bushi, ensuring Akiko's health and deepening their bond.The two friends' first adventure would be the Farcana Stadium.
Best Friends
Akiko's friend, Bushi can sit on top of Akiko or detach from her. He has his own unique weapons and abilities. 

If one of them is killed, they will be revived with full HP on the next active character's turn after a cooldown period. 

If both of them are killed, they will be revived together on the next active character's turn.
Cute Bait
When Akiko is in ambush, a sphere appears around her. Inside the sphere, Bushi's damage is increased, and Akiko's allies can see the enemies inside the sphere through walls. 

If an enemy is inside the sphere for a few seconds, the damage dealt to that enemy is buffed (more so if Bushi is not inside the sphere).
Bushi turns into a turret at the separation point.

If Akiko is not in range of the turret, the turret's damage is increased.

If Akiko is near Bushi and there are no obstructions between the two friends, her damage is increased and Bushi takes on a portion of Akiko's incoming damage. If Akiko takes lethal damage during this time, she will be drawn to Bushi - the friends will reunite and regenerate their shields.
Changing Perspective
Changing the active character from Akiko to Bushi and vice versa.
Akiko turns invisible and gains a speed boost. Nearby enemies can detect Akiko.
escape / ability
Akiko enters invisibility for a few seconds and creates a smokescreen around herself.
Beast mode
Akiko picks an enemy and orders Bushi to attack him.

Bushi flies at the enemy, attaches to him, and applies a slowdown. 

After a while, Bushi explodes - all enemies in the radius are immobilized and Bushi becomes an active character.
Disk launcher
Chaotic weapon operating on rebounds. Effective at any distance and works with angles.
A single projectile is fired, and as it collides with a surface, several projectiles are spawned, which bounce off following the same trajectory as the launched one.
The disks have a small radius of target pursuit.
Fires three discs straight ahead, without bouncing. The discs are fired one after another with a slight delay. These discs fly faster than with the standart shot.
This is a burst-fire mode. Each click of RMB launces three projectiles, holding down RMB produces no effect.
Akiko’s weapon