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Two people trapped in a single body. To stop her, you would have to kill her twice.
Muaddi stays close to her allies, providing them with a constant tactical advantage. Her mobility allows her to escape dicey situations.
Anthill / Foresight
The fighter of Anthill — a scientific nomad advocating for freedom of information. Not long ago, she fought with all her might against the corporations "Foresight" and "Red Beacon," but one day her inner "demon" broke free. Then emerged the "other" Muaddi — who wants to destroy everything cherished by the original personality and join "Foresight." It was the "other" who arranged everything, so Muaddi woke up already on Farcana.
Now the woman will have to fight for her freedom not only against opponents in the arenas but also against herself. Which personality will awaken in her next time? And which will prevail in the struggle for mind and body? Spectators are frozen in anticipation!
Alter Ego
Muaddi has an Evil and a Good form that have different abilities and weapons. Switching between these forms reduces the cooldown of tactical abilities.
Wall climb
Muaddi can climb any vertical surface and perform a strong jump off walls.
Scorpion's defence
Muaddi swings her braid in a circular motion, knocking back enemies and stopping projectiles.

A second press of the ability button, while it is still in use, will result in a dash in the direction of movement and a form switch.
Sand storm
Muaddi throws a smoke grenade underneath herself.  The enemies' vision within the smoke is reduced.
My other side
Muaddi disappears and becomes invulnerable. A slow-moving sphere is created around her.
Two illusions appear inside the sphere: Good and Evil Muaddi.
Throwing knives
The character holds a knife in each hand but shoots sequentially, assembling them into a series (animatedly).
Single knife shots
Throwing a knife that explodes upon hitting an object within a small radius. The enemy takes damage from the explosion and periodic damage for 2 seconds.
Cooldown is present
muaddi’s weapon
Fast-paced close-quarters combat weapon. It possesses moderate damage and a short attack range of 2-3 meters.
Striking damages enemies, and chaining 3 hits executes a combo, with the third strike pushing enemies back and inflicting extra damage. There's a 1.5-second window to continue the combo; failure resets the combo. The powerful third hit requires hitting the first two strikes.
Activating this ability makes the character immune to ranged attacks (except beams) for 3 seconds. The character loses the ability to attack or use active abilities, but can move and use passives. The ability has a 10 second cooldown.
muaddi’s weapon